Tuesday, September 28, 2010


This weekend Peggy and I decided to run out to an apple orchard. It's apple time and the best way to get a great Minnesota apple is to head out to the orchard itself! We decided to head out toward Stillwater and hit up Aamodts. We have been there many times in the past and it seemed like a nice morning. We arrived a bit early (before they opened) so we walked the grounds a bit. Ollie and the Haz were into the goats this year. They used to be more skittish around the animals than this time. I am happy to see them excited and trying their best to "pet" them.

We had an apple donut and bought some carmel corn, apple cider and of course...apples. My favorite are Harelsons. A bit more tart than most apples but distinctly Minnesotan. We also grabbed a bag of Honey Crisp.

We probably were there for 1/2 an hour or so and we felt like we needed to move on. Mom gets a bit antsy don't you know. :-)

So we drove down the road to Axdahls. I have been going there for pumpkin picking since the late 90's. We haven't been there recently and it has changed dramatically. They are more of a nursery now then when I used to trawl the fields for a "good one". But it was still very fun. They have painted pumpkins and the kids thought those were pretty great.

That pretty much ended our excursion for the day. We ended up at home for lunch and went for a run after which was refreshing as I have not run since the 5k. Gotta get ready for the Turkey trot you know.

Talk to you soon.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

are Marathon's next? perhaps not....

Peg ran and finished her first 5k this weekend. She was very excited to run the whole thing! We ran with the kids in a stroller and Team Eiden finished in 33 minutes. Not bad for never having run one before. We did the James Page Blubber Run (www.blubberrun.net) which is pretty cool because tons of people dress up in costumes and run in packs. We saw lifeguards chasing a shark, multiple groups of crayola crayons, chickens, Wizard of Oz characters, gardens gnomes. It was really fun. You run along the river down in Minneapolis. It's a very nice run.

Next we are on to the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. 30 minutes here we come!

Congratulations Peggy!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Summer part II (scroll down to see first part!)

What a great summer!

This summer has gone by super fast! We were busy with classes, trips to the beach, wading pools, parks, and a trip up to the Brainerd area. It was a fun-filled summer to be sure! Our new adventure is just starting, as we prepare for PRESCHOOL!! It is hard to believe they are already at that age. Here are some pictures from our summer: