Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A great weekend!

We were busy, but had a lot of fun this past weekend. Friday afternoon we had our NICU follow-up appointment, and it went really well. Our kids participated in the Bayley Test, and they both scored really well. Basically it means they are developing as they should! We were told to stress less about Hazel's weight, and not make a big deal over what she doesn't eat. I have to say, that was music to my ears!

Saturday we headed to Mello Glaze for some much needed doughnuts, and then off to Linder's to get our garden started! We have decided to try the theory of "Square Foot Gardening" and built our little garden plot Sat. afternoon. We will be trying our hands at green peppers, carrots, onions, beans, peas, and a few other items. Of course, our kids "helped" us plant, so who knows what will and won't grow.

Sunday afternoon, we had some friends over to help celebrate the weekend. We were so happy to see all the folks who showed up, and Oliver and Hazel were very excited to have a party at the house! Pat was super excited to use the old charcoal grill for the first time in five years! I must say, he was quite successful!

Monday morning we met Peg's parents in Belle Plain for breakfast and to play at the park for a bit. The kids were so excited when we told them we were going to see Bama and Bapa! The rest of the day was for relaxing and hanging out at home.

We hope you all had a great weekend too!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Summer already?

Our trip to the Dells was fantastic! Oliver and Haz had a lot fun in the waterpark, and much to our surprise, there was no fear of the water or the slides. Obviously we stayed mostly in the kiddy pool, but we also did the Lazy River. I think we may have two little fish on our hands! Pat and I each had opportunities to try out the big kid slides, and they were highly entertaining! We stayed at Chula Vista and really had no reason to leave the resort. I imagine in the summer it is even more fun with the added options of outdoor fun.

It would seem we returned to MN SUMMER!! Yesterday was so hot I let the kids play in the water outside. We "watered" the flowers for over an hour after naps! The kids were very content to fill up a plastic cup, walk over to a flower or tree, dump it, and repeat. Easy entertainment on my part!!

On Friday we return the U of M NICU follow-up clinic for our "two year corrected age" evaluation. We did this a year ago and we thought it was super interesting. The kids will participate in tests to give the doctors a snapshot of how they are doing right now cognitively and developmentaly. Wish us luck! :)

As for the rest of Memorial Day weekend, not much planned. We are hoping to get our garden started. We haven't done veggies before, so we are heading out on a new adventure. We'll let you know if we have crops to share!!

Enjoy the long weekend!
Oh! Today is our 4th anniversary!! I was about 30 degress cooler that day!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Together again

I am home from Costa Rica, and I had a great time! I love traveling there and I can't wait to bring my family some day! Hopefully sooner rather than later! Pat and the kids came to greet me at the airport which was fantastic! They were on their way to hug me when there was a slight distraction.... the luggage! It came shooting out and on to the carousel. This was apparently more interesting than Mom!

I think we are getting back into the swing of things, although Oliver and Hazel both have colds. They have been a little cranky. But today they seem to feel better as there haven't been as many melt-downs! They "helped" me plant some flowers and hang a bird feeder this morning. I am not sure how many of those flowers will survive, but here's hoping!!!

Thursday afternoon we are leaving for Wisconsin Dells. I have never been there before, so I am looking forward to a little adventure. We are meeting a couple other families with kids, so I am sure we will all have a great time!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Well, tomorrow Peggy comes back. I am really looking forward too it. Had a tough afternoon today.

The kids went to Danial Zilka's birthday party this morning at 10am. They had a great time! I forgot the camera so have no pictures. They had a room full of slides and climbing things for little kids and then we spent time in the gym on 'bikles and scooters. The kids were absolutely angels. They even held each others hands on the way back to the car. Couldn't ask for anything better.

The had Cake and grapes for lunch. Maybe this is why neither of them napped today. I was able to get a 2 mile run in during naps (Geri and Jerry left after the kids woke up from naps). That was really nice to get out and excercise a bit. Hazel slept maybe an hour and Ollie about 90 minutes or so this afternoon was pretty cranky.

Hazel has become quite stubborn, constantly pushing the boundaries. Maybe she misses her mother. I know I do.

I moved a few plants around this evening. Hostas and some Day Lillies as well as a few Asiatic lillies. I hope this is to Peggy's liking.

Som flowers are starting to bloom to I attached a photo for Peg to see before she comes home tomorrow night at 5:45pm.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu?

Well, I thought it would be valuable to make sure that everyone knew that we have figured out how to avoid the swine flu. See Picture. :-)

The kids are doing great, I think they are finding it interesting to have a new caretaker on a semi-daily basis. They have been happy and fun for the most part. Ollie was telling Hazel she was being "naughty" when she would not eat anything but blueberries at dinner last night. That made Bama Eiden laugh when she heard him say that.

I think the sitters are surprised when they see the kids climb up the front of their highchairs as if they have been scaling rock walls their whole lives. The first reaction seems to be to want to help, but boy howdy! those kids don't want any help. The independence streak is really coming out.

Mom said they enjoyed Music class on Thursday. She mentioned that she had a bout of "I do it!" from Hazel. I told her after a bit of time you just deal with the tantrum and you dress her (she feels she can put her own clothes on now). She typically tries to put her pants on backwards and takes an inordinate amount of time to trying and won't ask for help.

As the Droll's call it, Hazel has "Attention Surplus Disorder", she can sit and focus on getting dressed for 30 minutes if you let her. Mostly we don't have time for that.
