Well, it's been a while since we blogged. The kids went to the Zoo last weekend to see Santa. It was great because Santa actually comes around to each of the tables and visits with the kids. Ollie was asked what he wanted and he asked for a "star" which I found odd, but Santa reached into his pocket and pulled out a glowing Star...maybe he really was Santa! The kids did not want to sit on his lap, but it seemed OK to sit on Mom and Dad and they could sit on Santa's lap.
We also went sledding for the first time with the kids. We have pulled them around the yard before, but ye olde Yak Dad gets pretty tired much to fast for their liking. So there is a very small hill in the park by the house and they got to slide down on their own. The first run was a bit rough, a very slow wipeout,
but subsequent runs were fabulous. Tons of smiles an happiness.
Even Peg got in on the action!
This weekend was tough. Ollie got sick on Friday and couldn't keep anything down. That was horrible, but in true twin fashion, Hazel would not let him go it alone and she got sick on Saturday. Jerry and Geri were gracious enough to drive up from New Ulm so that Peggy and I could meet the Sisters and Brother in Laws for dinner and then actually drove back home. So 4 hours of driving and 3 hours or so of baby sitting. It was very nice of them to be so helpful. Dinner was pretty excellent and it's going to be hard to top that event.
Tonight we decided to make our Ginger Bread house. Having never done one before, I leaned on Peg and her strong creative skills and bountiful experience in building said homes. Peg has done Habitat for Humanity, so I knew she could build a Ginger Bread Home. Her memories hearkened back to early childhood when her father and the girls would hot glue the house together. I would say that bit of info was a savior for putting up a solid foundation for the sticky frosting and candy that went on after. It was very fun and the kids didn't even fight over the candy...well...much. Ollie's hoarding mentality kind of gets the best of him...but I would say they did an excellent job!
We are nervous about the "Snownami" coming over Christmas. We are hoping it will still be drivable as we have much traveling to do that day.
Hope all is going wonderful to everyone.