Saturday we headed to Mello Glaze for some much needed doughnuts, and then off to Linder's to get our garden started! We have decided to try the theory of "Square Foot Gardening" and built our little garden plot Sat. afternoon. We will be trying our hands at green peppers, carrots, onions, beans, peas, and a few other items. Of course, our kids "helped" us plant, so who knows what will and won't grow.
Sunday afternoon, we had some friends over to help celebrate the weekend. We were so happy to see all the folks who showed up, and Oliver and Hazel were very excited
Monday morning we met Peg's parents in Belle Plain for breakfast and to play at the park for a bit. The kids were so excited when we told them we were going to see Bama and Bapa! The rest of the day was for relaxing and hanging out at home.
We hope you all had a great weekend too!